I just hit the 30 fans mark... and it feels so good. Thx you all for following me on my journey, I love you all.
This already is far from what I expected when I started making music.
I started because my brother played a lot of music on the piano, and eventually he like made a song on his laptop. I wanted to try that to. Back than I just used a midi thing (my first song is actually on newgrounds: On Your Path). Around that time I got into geometry dash so I wanted to make something electronic. After a while I downloaded FL and started practicing... a lot. I tried everything out by myself, and I wanted to do it without toturials. eventually around 1.5 years ago I started to look on the internet for advice and I started learning a lot. Also the artist I'm inspired by are: MDK, Teminite, Sterrezo, Xtrullor and all those. Mostly the ones well known for their songs being used in rhythm games. And I'm also very inspired by my brother till this day. These days I've gotten quite a lot better with my most recent song being: Wake Up. where I learned that you can change pitch of samples to specefic notes pretty easily and used that to make voicecuts.
Also I'm working on a lofi song again, just like Spacious Stars.
Just wanted to tell you all this, thx for reading and see ya next time :D